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+ About


The original idea for this was to design a semi-topical t-shirt every week for a year, but I thought why stop there, why not go the whole hog, and design one every day for a year. So that’s what I did. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

During 2010 I came up with an idea, designed it, drew, mocked up, uploaded and created a social post for one new t-shirt. Some were good, some were bad, but all of them had to stay. All the t-shirts are printed on ethically made, environmentally friendly 100% cotton t-shirts. There is the odd one-off full colour design thrown in to the mix for special occasions.

The project ended up on Brainpicker, Abduzeedo, It's nice that, in a couple of amazing books, on some great blogs, in the awesome magazine t-world, and I got to speak about the project at Pecha Kucha in Dublin. They also ended being sold in topshop, HMV, a gallery in Sweden, a few shops in London and a t-shirt shop in New York.

The t-shirts are still for sale, and are still printed to order on ethically made 100% cotton tees. They are very limited editions, some (the really crappy ones) will be an edition of 1. If you want a special colour t-shirt of any of the designs let me know and I'll see what I can do. 

Over the space of the year I updated facebook every day. The link is just down there. 

